After School Programs

Who is it for?

Prep to Year 4*
Girls and Boys
*Unless otherwise stated


Pricing can vary from school to school.
Currently costs are
approximately $110 + cc fees

Dates and Times

We follow the school terms and run the sessions after school at the school itself.

Total Football Academy (TFA) is committed to developing players who will continuously grow and challenge themselves in the quest to become the best their talents allow, along their own individual journey. TFA provides development that inspires and equips players with skill, strength and competence that will guide them to reach their ambitions in football. We see grassroots football in Australia going to a new level, raising future football leaders who will change the game.

TFA are proud to be part of The Magic Group. The Magic Group is a collective group of football entities that provides many opportunities within the game whether that be for coaching staff or players, traineeships, coach education, participation and FFA Elite player pathways in addition to club support programs.

We invite you to join us either as a player, parent, coach or partner and look forward to growing the sport so all members of the community will benefit.


More coming soon!